- On-site training margin 5% – This is great for customers who need someone in their shop to help.
- eCourses 20% margin- Self-paced elearning with experts in the market.
- Margins subject to change.
- This is a great opportunity to support users of Flexi or EnRoute. Our eCourses are designed and supported by Mark Rugen, Flexi & EnRoute expert. eCourse pricing ranges from $49 to $795.
- Our On-Site training can range from 1-3 days and are conducted by vetted industry experts. Each on-site event is custom priced but typical ranges are from $2500 to $5000.
Available Online eCourses
Flexi Courses
The Ultimate Flexi Training Course – $297
This is a 14 hour online self-paced Flexi training course that covers all features and option. Certificate of Completion is included.
Learn Flexi in 3 Hours- $49
 This is a quick start course for new users and covers the essentials. Great for new employees.
Color Management in Flexi – $149
This course covers the color aspects of using flexi. ICC Profiles, soft proofing and printing the best in color.
This is a replay of a webinar with over 4 hours of color training for Flexi and more. Great for a full understanding of the subject.
Best Photoshop Plug Ins for Flexi – $49
A replay of a webinar on installing and using Photoshop plugins right inside of Flexi. Some free plugins included.
Working with White Ink in Flexi – $49
A comprehensive course on using white ink option in Flexi. Great for DTF or other applications.
Print and Cut for Professionals – $49
A full discussion of the print and cut options in Flexi.
EnRoute Courses
EnRoute Basic – $749
This is a 4-6 hour live virtual session with new users of EnRoute or those who wish to learn more about the basics of EnRoute.
EnRoute 3D Reliefs – $375
This course focuses on the 3D reliefs in design and machining.
EnRoute ATP – $349
This course focuses on the Auto Tool Path option in EnRoute.